Tombe des Frères à Castelgandolfo (Italie) - Tumba de los Hermanos en Castelgandolfo (Italia) Tomb of the Brothers at Castel Gandolfo (Italy) |
nous avons entendu l'Evangile des Béatitudes (Matthieu 5, 1-12a) dont voici quelques versets :
Quand Jésus
vit la foule, il gravit la montagne. Il s'assit, et ses disciples
s'approchèrent. Alors, ouvrant la bouche, il se mit à les instruire. Il
disait :
« Heureux les
pauvres de cœur : le Royaume des cieux est à eux !
Heureux les
doux : ils obtiendront la terre promise !
Heureux ceux
qui ont faim et soif de la justice : ils seront rassasiés !
Heureux les miséricordieux
: ils obtiendront miséricorde ! […]
Heureux les
artisans de paix : ils seront appelés fils de Dieu ! […]
Toi qui lis ces lignes, je t'invite à méditer ces paroles longuement, avec
douceur, comme on laisse descendre dans le cœur une bonne nouvelle ; comme on
laisse résonner en soi des mots qui illuminent l'intelligence. En vérité, ce ne
sont pas d'abord les mots qui nous touchent, c'est Celui qui les prononce,
Jésus. Imagine un instant que Jésus te dise ces mots, à toi. Non pas à d'autres
qui sont loin de toi et que tu juges plus dignes que toi de les entendre. Non,
à toi, et à toi seul ! Il te dit : "Heureux es-tu, car tu as un cœur de pauvre !
Heureux es-tu car tu as faim de la paix". Et, dans la foi, tu peux te dire que
ce n'est pas de l'imagination, c'est vrai. Jésus prononce ces mots,
aujourd'hui, pour toi. Il nous appelle, toi et moi, et tous les autres, à être
des saints, et donc à laisser ces mots, en nous, devenir réalité. Devenons donc
ces pauvres de cœur qui n'ont d'autres richesses que de recevoir le Christ comme
leur unique trésor, ces doux que rien n'irrite ni ne décourage, ces miséricordieux
qui excusent tout et qui vont au secours de toute détresse, ces artisans de
paix qui savent faire les premiers pas de la réconciliation sans attendre que l'autre les
fasse. Crois-tu cela ?
Today we heard the Gospel of the Beatitudes
(Matthew 5: 1-12a) including the following verses:
Seeing the crowds, he went onto the mountain. And when he was seated, his disciples came to him. Then he began to speak. This is what he taught them:
"How blessed are the poor in spirit: the kingdom of Heaven is theirs!
Blessed are the gentle: they shall have the earth as inheritance! [...]
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for uprightness: they shall have their fill!
Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them! [...]
Blessed are the peacemakers: they shall be recognised as children of God! [...]
You who read these lines, I invite you to meditate on these words at length and gently as we let good news sink into the heart; as we let resonate in ourselves words that enlighten the mind. In truth, it is not the words that affect us first, it is He who pronounces them, Jesus. Imagine for a moment that Jesus says these words to you. Not to others who are far from you and who you judge more worthy than you to hear them. No, to you, and to you alone! He tells you: "Blessed art thou, for thou art poor in spirit! Blessed art thou because thou art hungry for peace." And in faith, you can say to yourself that this is not imagination, it's true. Jesus says these words today for you. He calls us, you and me, and everyone else, to be holy, and therefore, to let these words become a reality in us. Hence, let us become these poor in spirit that have no other riches other than to receive Christ as their only treasure, these gentle of heart that nothing irritates nor discourages, these merciful that excuse everything and go to the rescue of all distress, these peacemakers who can take the first steps of reconciliation without waiting for the other to do so. Do you believe this?
Seeing the crowds, he went onto the mountain. And when he was seated, his disciples came to him. Then he began to speak. This is what he taught them:
"How blessed are the poor in spirit: the kingdom of Heaven is theirs!
Blessed are the gentle: they shall have the earth as inheritance! [...]
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for uprightness: they shall have their fill!
Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them! [...]
Blessed are the peacemakers: they shall be recognised as children of God! [...]
You who read these lines, I invite you to meditate on these words at length and gently as we let good news sink into the heart; as we let resonate in ourselves words that enlighten the mind. In truth, it is not the words that affect us first, it is He who pronounces them, Jesus. Imagine for a moment that Jesus says these words to you. Not to others who are far from you and who you judge more worthy than you to hear them. No, to you, and to you alone! He tells you: "Blessed art thou, for thou art poor in spirit! Blessed art thou because thou art hungry for peace." And in faith, you can say to yourself that this is not imagination, it's true. Jesus says these words today for you. He calls us, you and me, and everyone else, to be holy, and therefore, to let these words become a reality in us. Hence, let us become these poor in spirit that have no other riches other than to receive Christ as their only treasure, these gentle of heart that nothing irritates nor discourages, these merciful that excuse everything and go to the rescue of all distress, these peacemakers who can take the first steps of reconciliation without waiting for the other to do so. Do you believe this?
Hoy hemos escuchado el evangelio de las
Bienaventuranzas (Mateo 5, 1-12a), algunos de cuyos versículos tenemos aquí :
Cuando Jesús vio a la muchedumbre, subió
a la montaña. Se sentó, y sus discípulos se acercaron a Él. Entonces, abriendo
su boca, comenzó a enseñarles, y dijo :
“ ¡ Bienaventurados los pobres de
corazón, porque de ellos es el Reino de los cielos !
¡ Bienaventurados los mansos, porque
poseerán la tierra ! […]
¡ Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre
y sed de justicia, porque serán saciados !
¡ Bienaventurados los misericordiosos,
porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia ! […]
¡ Bienaventurados los pacíficos, porque
serán llamados hijos de Dios ! […]”
A ti que lees estas líneas, te invito a meditar con
tranquilidad y suavidad estas palabras, como quien deja penetrar en su corazón
una buena noticia ; como dejamos resonar dentro de nosotros mismos las palabras
que iluminan nuestra inteligencia. No son estas palabras las que, de verdad,
nos tocan por dentro, sino el que las pronuncia, Jesús. Imagínate por un
momento que Jesús te dirige a ti estas palabras ; no a otros que están lejos de
ti y que te parecen más dignos que tú de escucharlas. ¡ No, a ti, y a ti solo !
Y te dice : "¡ Dichoso eres tú, porque tienes un corazón de pobre ! ¡
Dichoso eres tú, porque tienes hambre de paz !". Y, a través de la fe,
puedes decir que esto no es imaginación, es la pura verdad. Jesús pronuncia hoy
estas palabras para ti. Nos llama a ti y a mí, y a todos los demás, a ser
santos y, por lo tanto, a dejar que estas palabras se conviertan para nosotros
en una realidad. Seamos, pues, pobres de corazón, y no tengamos otra riqueza
que el mismo Cristo como nuestro único tesoro. Seamos mansos, de manera que
nada nos irrite ni nos desanime. Seamos misericordiosos, de los que saben
disculpar todo y acuden en ayuda de cualquier desgracia, amantes de la paz, que
dan los primeros pasos en una reconciliación sin esperar a que el otro lo haga.
¿ Crees tú esto ?
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