Un moment fraternel à La Prairie- A fraternal moment at La Prairie - Un momento fraterno en
La Prairie. |
Une statue de Jean-Marie de la Mennais - Chapelle de La Prairie
Una estatua de Juan
María de la Mennais-Capilla de La Prairie.
cœur se remplit de joie ineffable lorsque je pense à ces merveilles que nous
verrons un jour, lorsque j’entends ces mots : "Nous irons à la maison du Seigneur. Nos pas foulent
tes demeures, Jérusalem" (Jean-Marie de la Mennais).
Avec les Frères de La
Prairie (Canada) où je me trouve encore actuellement, j'ai entendu ces mots de
notre fondateur, proposés par le Frère Delfin Lopez dans le document pour la
grande neuvaine qu'il a envoyé à toute la congrégation. Tous ces jours, nous avons été à son écoute, nous l'avons prié pour des personnes malades, nous avons espéré sa béatification. et nous avons prié pour cela.
Puissions-nous aussi, à l'appel de Jean-Marie de la Mennais, nous tourner vers le Seigneur
avec un regard de foi, et avec un immense désir de "semer" la parole
d'amour qu'il est venu apporter au monde. La joie véritable ne se trouve qu'en
Dieu Seul ! C'est ce que nous a tant enseigné notre père fondateur. Cette joie
ineffable ! Cette paix rayonnante ! Nous portons en nous le désir d'en être les
témoins auprès de celles et de ceux qui ne les ont pas encore goûtées. Nous ne
pourrons jamais être pleinement heureux sans Lui, ni sans avoir tout fait pour qu'il soit connu et aimé. Et nous savons que le monde, et surtout les jeunes, n'auront pas la paix ni la joie sans Lui. Allons donc sur les chemins du monde
porter la Bonne Nouvelle de l'Evangile de Jésus Sauveur. Ensemble, marchons sur le chemin de l'éducation, chemin d'évangélisation.
“My heart fills with unspeakable joy when I think about the wonders that we will see one day, whenever I hear these words: ‘We will go to the house of the Lord. Standing within your gates, OJerusalem ’ "(Jean-Marie de la Mennais ).
With the Brothers of La Prairie (Canada )
where I am currently, I heard these words of our founder, proposed by Brother Delfin
Lopez in the document for the Great Novena he
sent to the entire Congregation. All
these days we have been listening to him, we prayed for the sick persons through his intercession, and we hoped for his beatification, and we prayed for it.
May we also, at the invitation of Jean-Marie de la Mennais, turn to the Lord with the eyes of faith, and with an immense desire to "sow" the word of love He came to bring to the world . True joy is only found in God alone! This is precisely what our Father Founder taught us. This unspeakable joy! This radiating peace! We carry within us the desire to be witnesses to those men and women who have not yet tasted them. We can never be fully happy without Him, or without having done everything possible to make Him known and loved. And we know that the world, especially young people, will not have peace or joy without Him. Let us then go about on the roads of the world to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus the Saviour. Together, let us walk on the path of education, a way of evangelization.May we also, at the invitation of Jean-Marie de la Mennais, turn to the Lord with the eyes of faith, and with an immense desire to "sow" the word of love He came to bring to the world . True joy is only found in God alone! This is precisely what our Father Founder taught us. This unspeakable joy! This radiating peace! We carry within us the desire to be witnesses to those men and women who have not yet tasted them. We can never be fully happy without Him, or without having done everything possible to make Him known and loved. And we know that the world, especially young people, will not have peace or joy without Him. Let us then go about on the roads of the world to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus the Saviour. Together, let us walk on the path of education, a way of evangelization.
“My heart fills with unspeakable joy when I think about the wonders that we will see one day, whenever I hear these words: ‘We will go to the house of the Lord. Standing within your gates, O
With the Brothers of La Prairie (
May we also, at the invitation of Jean-Marie de la Mennais, turn to the Lord with the eyes of faith, and with an immense desire to "sow" the word of love He came to bring to the world . True joy is only found in God alone! This is precisely what our Father Founder taught us. This unspeakable joy! This radiating peace! We carry within us the desire to be witnesses to those men and women who have not yet tasted them. We can never be fully happy without Him, or without having done everything possible to make Him known and loved. And we know that the world, especially young people, will not have peace or joy without Him. Let us then go about on the roads of the world to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus the Saviour. Together, let us walk on the path of education, a way of evangelization.May we also, at the invitation of Jean-Marie de la Mennais, turn to the Lord with the eyes of faith, and with an immense desire to "sow" the word of love He came to bring to the world . True joy is only found in God alone! This is precisely what our Father Founder taught us. This unspeakable joy! This radiating peace! We carry within us the desire to be witnesses to those men and women who have not yet tasted them. We can never be fully happy without Him, or without having done everything possible to make Him known and loved. And we know that the world, especially young people, will not have peace or joy without Him. Let us then go about on the roads of the world to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus the Saviour. Together, let us walk on the path of education, a way of evangelization.
"Mi corazón se llena de un gozo
inefable cuando pienso en las maravillas que veremos algún día, y cuando
escucho estas palabras : “Vamos a la casa del Señor. Ya están pisando nuestros
pies tus umbrales, Jerusalén”" (Juan María de la Mennais).
Con los Hermanos de La Prairie (Canadá),
donde estoy actualmente, he escuchado estas palabras de nuestro Fundador,
propuestas por el Hermano Delfín López en el documento para la Gran Novena que
ha enviado a toda la Congregación. Todos estos días le hemos escuchado y hemos
orado por los enfermos, en espera de su Beatificación y pidiendo por esta
Ante la mirada de Juan
María de la Mennais, podríamos también nosotros volver nuestra mirada de fe al
Señor con un gran deseo de "sembrar" la palabra que vino a traer al
mundo. ¡ La verdadera alegría sólo se encuentra en Dios, en Dios Solo ! Esto es
lo que nos enseñó tantas veces nuestro Padre Fundador. ¡ Este gozo inefable ! ¡
Esa paz irradiante ! Llevamos en nosotros el deseo de ser testigos de ello al
lado de quienes no lo han podido saborear todavía. Nunca podremos ser
plenamente felices sin Él, ni sin haber hecho todo lo posible para que sea
conocido y amado. Y sabemos que el mundo, especialmente los jóvenes, no tendrán
paz ni alegría sin Él. Vayamos, pues, por los caminos del mundo, llevando la
Buena Nueva del evangelio de Jesús, el Salvador. Vayamos juntos por el camino
de la educación y de la evangelización.
Gracias por tu llamada renovada e insistente a confiar e ir juntos a evangelizar.